The nest where the most awesome STATE BOUND section in the CHS band can get together and buzz....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I'm thinking PAIN

Band camp. Yeah. That thing. I'm assuming that I will be sore. Afterwards. I'm sore right now thinking about getting sore at band camp. This will be quite interesting. I hope I don't fall into a crack. The ground is incredibly dry in one spot there with cracks wider than your foot, so I suggest that we all avoid them. We cannot, I repeat, CANNOT have any injuries this year. Chris, I expect no less than metal wrists. Same goes to Mckenna. As for myself, I haven't recieved any major injury as of yet in my life, but I don't want to have a first now. So watch out for those doggone cracks. They will swallow you whole. And don't get sick either. Enough said.


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