The nest where the most awesome STATE BOUND section in the CHS band can get together and buzz....

Monday, September 25, 2006

Crazy Baboons Of Doom Will Rain Their Hairballs Of Chaos Upon Your Head On Tuesday

Just to say something that we all think but never really say for the sake of not losing our minds to the Orangutan of All Things That Go On In Your Mind even though we all know that it is true and needs to be said based upon my You Really Need To Say Certain Things Pertaining To Tuesdays Theory that is in itself based on the premise of logical thinking which is really not that bad based on how it sounds but still remains to this day a very good strategy to solving the world's biggest problems like hunger and death which is really not that bad when you consider that it is not what you do but that you do it pure of heart that makes it easier to accept, death that is, when the worlds greatest problem is not being able to say certain things that need to be said, and being sacrificed to the Orangutan of All Things That Go On In Your Mind:

Tuesday night rehearsals are good. Do NOT look forward to them, but adore them like you adore that newborn puppy, because you care about things you adore, and you work to make them more successful. So in conclusion, YOU NEED TO PUSH YOURSELF AT A TUESDAY NIGHT REHEARSAL SO THAT WE GET A GIANT GARGANTUAN HEAP OF GOOD, BENEFICIAL THINGS DONE SO THAT WE CAN GET STRAIGHT 1's AT REGION, so don't get your panties in a wad.



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