Summer Sectionals's the thing. We need to work. So, as you are already aware, I have scheduled some sectionals for us so we can get together. Here it is, it starts this Saturday, July 2:
Every Tuesday - 9 to 11:30 am
Every Thursday - 9 to 11:30 am
Every Saturday - 7 to 10 am
There may be added rehearsals later in the month of July but for now that's it. If you have any questions, call me. You know my number and I am NOT going to post it on the internet (grin). So, talk later you guys...hope you've had a great summer, feel free to post, call, email, keep in touch...chao tam biet.
PS - May your horn never leave your GLOVED hands, nor your mouthpiece your, sleep, breath, and dream Gavorkna Fanfare....
Have fun this summer you guys, I'll see yah soon.