One on one time is important, as displayed by the first two and most successful sectionals that have recently taken place, the first with Michael and the second with Nathan....I'm sorry Chris, I don't think you'll get any one on one time, you get back just as band plans are in full swing, tis fine, I trust you are learning and memorizing your musica!! (eyebrow raise) Sorry about that, I like to verbalize my facial expressions, especially when the people I am talking to can't see me....that kinda makes sense, right?.....please tell me I'm not crazy, better yet, please oh please tell me I'm not normal, normal is so boring.........oh by the way, we had an awesome time at the lake and Nathan, Tara, and Jacob all gave the horns of the universe a shout out the night of the fourth of July, thanks guys.....anyway, gotta go, talk later, chao tam biet.........