The nest where the most awesome STATE BOUND section in the CHS band can get together and buzz....

Monday, September 25, 2006

Crazy Baboons Of Doom Will Rain Their Hairballs Of Chaos Upon Your Head On Tuesday

Just to say something that we all think but never really say for the sake of not losing our minds to the Orangutan of All Things That Go On In Your Mind even though we all know that it is true and needs to be said based upon my You Really Need To Say Certain Things Pertaining To Tuesdays Theory that is in itself based on the premise of logical thinking which is really not that bad based on how it sounds but still remains to this day a very good strategy to solving the world's biggest problems like hunger and death which is really not that bad when you consider that it is not what you do but that you do it pure of heart that makes it easier to accept, death that is, when the worlds greatest problem is not being able to say certain things that need to be said, and being sacrificed to the Orangutan of All Things That Go On In Your Mind:

Tuesday night rehearsals are good. Do NOT look forward to them, but adore them like you adore that newborn puppy, because you care about things you adore, and you work to make them more successful. So in conclusion, YOU NEED TO PUSH YOURSELF AT A TUESDAY NIGHT REHEARSAL SO THAT WE GET A GIANT GARGANTUAN HEAP OF GOOD, BENEFICIAL THINGS DONE SO THAT WE CAN GET STRAIGHT 1's AT REGION, so don't get your panties in a wad.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ok Tara, Just for You

Our mellophone line is better, 'cause we're just awesome like that.

Our t-shirts are cooler too. See? You should have found a reason to get held back.

Our motto this year: Simply Amazing

It'll also be on our t-shirts.

Oh NO! Michael, remind me to come up with a handshake.

We got to have a sectional in a BARN. Just because we're amazing like that.

It may sound like we don't, but we do miss our old drum major/spawn of Hitler/section leader.


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Hi, how are you guys? All I hear about is that y'all are having sectionals. Don't get me wrong, that's exactly what I want to hear, but I want to be able to understand the inside jokes when I come to visit. Speaking of which, you all need to come to NSU and join the mellophone line asap b/c we have really cool t-shirts. I'll give more reasons later. Keep up the good work guys.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Finally, A Schedule!!

We will have a sectional every Friday at 7:00. This Friday will be inside. All music MUST be played off before the sectional, you will NOT like the consequences if you skip because you have to play off. You've had all week, get 'er dun (thank you for playing your's off Michael). We will add sectionals as we deem necessary.

McKenna, we have to get you out on the grid to learn the Closer, time's running out.
Get well soon :)


Thursday, September 07, 2006

hold on a sec

You're gonna have to give me a minute on this one....okay, let's see....murky....murky is not always bad. It just means that its not transparent. You are not easily read which gives you the attribute of being mysterious which the opposite sex often finds attractive. Yucky....I say that yucky is in the eye of the beholder. For instance, some people abhor mud and call it yucky, but give me a great big handfull of pure mud and I can just go at it. Smelly....well, you're a teenage boy, you'll grow out of it, but for now you just have to deal with it like we all did....and finally, acidic sludge. Acidic is never bad. Acid lends to the greater balance of things. Hey, its better than being basic...right....And as far as sludge goes, I love sludge for within it lies minerals and useful substances that can benefit and heal mankind....

....Muahahahahahahaha, I triumph again. No sunshine is needed for sludge was fused by sunshine itself. It only needs conscious effort upon the part of a single human mind to utilize it and make it something great....So there.


I'm coming back to Texas tomorrow. We're performing at the Canton football game in Mesquite stadium....Yes, I shall once again march in the valley of the shadow of the tower of Mesquite. I'M WIGGING OUT I'M SO EXCITED! So, I have to go you all, ciao.

Reflections Of An Average Teenager... Almost

My life is no longer a puddle of mud. It is a lake of murky, yucky, smelly, acidic sludge (with no sun, by the way). Too bad for me.


p.s. by the way, CYA is my tag(mike)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I miss you guys

Aww...y'all are having sectionals, that's so sweet. I love you guys. You aren't letting the horn-ness die. We must keep it going for who is the best section?....Who?....WHO?....I CAN'T HEAR YOU!....Yes, it's the f horns....Aww, so what about t-shirts this year? What are y'all doing? Chris don't be a bad section leader like me and wait until state to make some crappy ones, okay?

Oh, I'm just....I'm so proud. By the way, who was that who quoted me? I love you whoever you are. Are y'all jiving good? You'd better be. Does everyone marvel at your glory on and off the marching field, in and out of the band hall? They'd better. Oh, I just....hmmm, I love you guys. I miss you. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the sectional on Monday. I had a 4 o'clock band rehearsal. Oh, but this Friday I am playing at a Canton High School football game. I'm so close to you guys it hurts. I want to perform at the Celina game but apparently there's just not enough of you to be worth recruiting, but don't worry, there's gonna be a battle over this next season in the CAPA office. Yes, that's right. Anyway, on Saturday we play Baylor and we're performing then, so I'll be in Texas for two days.

Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much you love Texas until you finally leave. When you're sitting around and your friends say, 'lets go have some mexican food' and they take you to Taco Bell. Ugh....not that I don't like taco bell, but McDonalds is more mexican than that. And then there's your fierce state loyalty and you find yourself bragging about NASA and bluebell and the Alamo and how high you can fly your state flag and your marching bands, booh-ya, watcha, what now punks, in your face if you're not from Texas....but actually, I'm not alone. About 60% of the SON (Spirit of Northwestern....that's our band) is from Texas, so HA! We outnumber them in their own state.

So I miss you guys, keep me updated, keep practicing, glimmer with glory and shine with....well, not with about that. Love everyone....ciao

PS - I finally decided what to name my horn and I think only McKenna will get this. His name is 'Knight' because he is my knight-in-shining-armor and I spend all my time kissing him and any boyfriend I have is jealous of him.

So, once, tam biet

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ok, Let's All Show Up This Time...

Sectional, band hall, this Friday (the 8th), 7:00 a.m. Have ALL I repeat ALL of your music memorized and learned. We'll be working mostly the production number and closer. We will be working parts of the opener though, be ready.


P.S. The title has nothing against you McKenna, it just seems like we never are able to have sectional, most of the time it's me that's gone.

P.P.S. Sorry if this post came out harsh. I'm very tired at the moment (yay three hours of sleep).

Monday, September 04, 2006

At Least You Got To Personally See My Expression

It's okay, I didn't take any offense to anything. I know you were joking, and it's all in good humor :). I found it kind of funny though...


P.S. You filled those favors a long time ago. Don't worry about 'em.

My sincerest apologies.

I'm sorry Chris. I didn't really mean any of those things. I just wanted to see the expression on your face. I am truly sorry. I guess I owe you say, 5000 more favors to bring the tally to 1200052000. Seriously, I mean it.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

You Know You Love 'em

Ok, sectional, my house (possibly band hall, but for the moment, my house), Monday at 6:00 pm. Have at least the Production Number memorized, but it would be nice to have all three pieces memorized by the time it starts. Hope you guys had a good time on Friday! Get some rest, I will.